94-03-11 Ratner's Bar
Sheffield, England
Live at Sin-e Tour Europe, Solo.

A freebie cassette tape was given out in limited numbers to a lucky few featuring a handwritten inlay - The tape itself consisted of Sin-e versions of 'Mojo Pin' & 'Je 'nen connais pas la fin' with an interview at the Holiday Inn, Syracuse, NY from Feb 15th '94 sandwiched between them.

'...the story goes he walked into the place in a huge fur coat and a telecaster, plugged in and absolutely stunned this room of random drinkers and people who’d wandered in off the street. No idea of the set list but the thought of him just dropping in like some magical alien and blowing everyone away just makes me happy.' -- audience anecdote from wealllovefrogs on Reddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/JeffBuckley/comments/18ouixh/comment/kekyyv2/